Thoughts 001


Everything fades. The beauty. The pain. And all the shades in between. It allows for space. It allows for recovery. Nothing is infinite. 
Sometimes your heart has to break a little to let the light in. We heal. We always do. Time is the best medicine, even though it tastes the bitterest. Living means constant change. Maybe that is the only constant we can truly count on. The fact that nothing will stay the same forever. It simply can’t. 
Losing yourself a little can be scary. Realizing that you never knew who you were to begin with is downright terrifying. Acknowledging that this is part of growing up and that finding yourself will always be a part of life is a step towards sanity. 
We must be kind to ourselves before anyone else. Why is it that we are the harshest to ourselves? Loving yourself should always be the priority. It means to allow for the space and to float in the inbetween for a while, even if it feels uncomfortable. To be undefined can be daunting and excruciating, but should never be the reason to doubt your self-worth. 
I am still standing in the fog. I see the light, yet I don’t know where it is coming from. I am walking, taking baby steps, testing the waters. I am getting there. And it’s okay. It’s all part of it. Part of my journey, part of life.
The fog will lift. The blurred will sharpen. 
Everything will continue to fade. 

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